The Illusion of Social Media and Professional Photography!!

July 11, 2024 by
Sergio Lopez Photographer

    Ai filters vs Professional Photographers

 Distorting Reality

Ai Manipulation

"Smoke-Selling" Photographers

Specialization is Key

Discover How We Can Do It.


If you want, you can listen to it!!

In the age of social media, it's easy to be deceived by the perfect images and phenomenal products showcased online. However, the reality behind these photos is often far from what is presented. Let's explore how filters and AI manipulations distort reality and how "smoke-selling" photographers harm clients by boasting skills in multiple photography branches without specializing in any.

1. Distorting​ Reality:

Social media is filled with photos that seem too good to be true. Filters and editing tools can transform an ordinary scene into something spectacular, but this manipulation often creates unrealistic expectations.

The Artistic Touch

Creativity And Emotion...That's all

It's like when you buy a burger that looks perfect in the advertisement, but when you receive it, it barely resembles the photo. Reality has been "filtered."

2. AI Manipulation:

Artificial Intelligence has made it possible for anyone to create impressive photos with little effort. However, these manipulated images do not represent reality and can mislead customers.

A study from MIT found that 60% of images on social media are edited in some way, leading to a distorted perception of reality.

3. The "Smoke-Selling" Photographers: Many photographers on social media boast about their skills in multiple photography branches, claiming they can cover everything from weddings to war photography, wildlife, and food photography. This lack of specialization often results in mediocre work. 

We capture the essence

This is especially important

A photographer who claims to be an expert in food photography while also covering war photography, wildlife, and portraits is probably stretching their capabilities too thin. It's like a chef who claims to master every cuisine in the world; it's simply unrealistic

4. Specialization is Key: True quality in photography comes from specialization. Just like doctors who specialize in specific areas to provide the best treatment, photographers should also focus on particular areas to deliver the best results.

Research shows that professionals specialized in a specific field are 30% more likely to deliver high-quality results compared to those who spread themselves across multiple areas.

We Make It Really Easy

At We Action, we want to understand the essence and what truly matters about your product, so we can express the best it offers in an image.

There are details that tell the whole story, and that's where we need to put more emphasis to ensure that your main objective is achieved.

Real competition

In 2024, the competition is fierce with thousands of companies and products out there, and it's against all of them that we must compete. This race is only won by the best. We know how to navigate this path better, which is why hundreds of clients have trusted us for over 15 years.  

5. We Action Photography: A Real Support: At We Action Photography, we specialize in three areas: product photography, food photography, and real estate photography. We treat food and product photography as sister disciplines, similar to how a family photographer might also cover weddings. This specialization allows us to offer exceptional results that truly benefit our clients.

Don't be fooled by the illusion of social media. Seek out specialized photographers who can offer real, high-quality results. At We Action Photography, our expertise and dedication in specific areas make us a reliable partner for any business looking to elevate their visual presence.

Let us help you achieve real success with specialized photography services. Reach out to us for stunning photos that truly make a difference.


Sergio Lopez Photographer July 11, 2024
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